Thursday, March 17, 2011

Study Study Study...

It's crunch time for the P, which means periodically skipping the gym, making a quick lunch, and getting right back to studying.

I just realized my version of a 'quick' lunch is pretty laughable. I fall back on a few quick recipes when time is short, and they're quick but delicious. Most college kids think of a quick lunch as a sandwich, munching on some cereal, grabbing something to-go, or just plain skipping lunch. But we all know I'm not typical. This took me about 7 minutes.

Anyway, here's my quick lunch of baked tilapia, steamed broccoli, and vegetable barley soup (with a side of study materials) What do you make when you're short on time?

And then back to studying. Outside. In the 80 degree weather. 


1 comment:

  1. Scrambled eggs. Or a PB&J sandwich. Or I skip a meal. :X

    Good luck studying!
